Every Monday for years- we gather to build community, have a safe space for growth and healing, and practice self care. This class tailors the movements to who is there and what their body is calling for. An excellent place for beginners to professionals, for those recovering from something to just learning how they move. We are an all inclusive class of hope.
Class Details
Monday Night @ 7:45 PM
$10 / class
Mats will be provided (or bring your own)
Email: to be added to the list for current location
Years of studying, injury, practice and patience have taught me several things:
1. Each body is so different, our yoga practice will be different every day according to our needs.
2. Function over form will allow for growth and healing at the same time.
3. Listening to and watching students as them come into class determines what kind of class we have.
4. Yoga is truly for everyone, if you don’t believe me, you haven’t found your style yet.